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FAQs on Accounts Confirmation

Account confirmation is the process of verifying an account and improving the odds that it belongs to a real person. The whole purpose of account verification is to ensure that all registered accounts are owned by real people, thereby reducing spamming.

You can confirm your account by clicking on the link sent to you via email address. If you didn't receive any email address try waiting a few more minutes, or check your spam folder.

As earlier stated, account confirmation is the only way to reduce spamming and registration of accounts owned and managed by Bots.

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FAQs on Accounts Deactivation

Accounts may be disabled without the ability to download data for certain violations, including but not limited to: Valid legal requests, Account hijacking, Suspicious activities as regards the account.

You can send us a mail: support@coinvixen.com, or contact us via the live chat.

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FAQs on Accounts Suspension

Accounts may be disabled without the ability to download data for certain violations, including but not limited to: Valid legal requests, Account hijacking, Suspicious activities as regards the account.

You can send us a mail: support@coinvixen.com, or contact us via the live chat.